My area is wonderful. I am loving the teaching and the work. This transfer, I only have been disappointed with a few things concerning our ward and the support of the members including the bishop. But this sunday a new bishopric was called so hopefully good changes will take place.
I am really enjoying the work with Elder Da Silva. He is very diligent and willing to work hard. He is very disciplined which makes him a great companion and example. I know I'm his trainer, but to be honest I have been learning a lot from him. We teach each other. I feel like that's the way it should be; each one an example for the other. We both are feeling motivated and pushing to meet our goals. This has been the most peaceful and smooth transfer concerning the work and my companion. We work hard, and diligently. we get a long perfectly. no fights, nothing. few disagreements, we both know how to teach and are leaving commitments/assignments for our investigators to do, marking next visits.
I know that miracles happen in our lives if we look for them. after Idenia´s interview she came out with tears in her red eyes and told us that she wants to be baptized with her son. Prior to her interview she wanted to wait, because she didn't feel prepared. We had already taught, everything and more, but she wanted to wait. Elder J. Silver (who interviewed her) said that in the interview they both knew it was right. A miracle had happened. God sent the Holy Ghost to testify and comfort Idenia. Even more miracles happened. Believe it or not, on the way home from church after their confirmations, while walking past the buzzing marketplace, Anderson found R$150 on the ground! What a special gift. hahaha.
I'm really grateful that Idenia completed her interview on my birthday. It made me super happy to see her showing her faith. I never want to forget what happened that day. This week I gained a lot of insight and a bigger vision of how my life can be if I do my mission the right way. It's all about obedience, diligence, and lots of hard work. You have to push yourself everyday to be a better servant of the Lord, and sacrifice a lot to accomplish your goals. It´s not always easy for me either. Every day is a battle; a battle that's not easy to win, but one that can only turn out victorious when the Holy Ghost is at your side. These are just a few of the things I learned and felt this week. I can't explain it all due to lack of time. But what i felt most strong this week was the love that God personally has for me. That he sent his Son. That Jesus suffered for me and died and resurrected for me. And that I´ve been given the opportunity to learn, grow, and serve; each day finding out who i really am.
Thursday night, I couldn´t sleep because my mind was thinking about so many things. i was feeling happy, sad, stressed, and motivated. all the feeling were swelling inside of me and were overwhelming me so much I couldn't handle it alone any more. I decided to go pray and talk to my Heavenly Father. I expressed everything that i was feeling and i felt comforted afterwards. Then seemingly out of nowhere some words were put into my head. They go like this.
´´My mission isn´t where i´m at
or what people see, but rather
what I do and what changes
inside of me´´
i wasn't even thinking of anything directly related to those words, but i knew they were inspired. I quickly wrote them down on the nearest paper. This week has been miraculous. I hope we can all look for the miracles that happen in our daily lives. I know that God is happy when we pray to him and in return he blessed us. have a great week everyone and happy birthday to my little bro Zachary!
with love,
-Elder Hilton
Evellyn and I.
visiting Ilheues
Ilheus is only a little less than a hour bus ride from itabuna, so our zone met up with the other zone and had p-day together. we did a little sightseeing as well as pingpong in the church
visiting my friends in Ilhues. Grandpa this picture is for you!
my birthday lunch!
it dumped rain twice thursday (my bday). we got drenched.
Elder Da Silva in his hammock
a present that i recieved from Anderson. Anderson and his mom were baptized this saturday.
baptism of Idenia and her son Anderson
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